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, by Marie Lu

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Product details
File Size: 2484 KB
Print Length: 385 pages
Publisher: Speak (November 5, 2013)
Publication Date: November 5, 2013
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
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This review is hard for me, so I will break it down.Content of the books: 5 stars - excellent.Physical quality of the books - 3 stars.First let me hit on the physical quality of the books - the only reason this review isn't a solid 5 stars. The first and third books are made well, with white, even pages and beautiful dust jackets with a matte finish covering a glossy inside. The second book, however, is where my issue lies. I am not for sure if this issue is consistent of all the sets being a sold or if mine was a fluke, but the second book consists of yellower, cheaper pages cut in some sort of ridiculous jagged angle. I could have dealt with all three books this way, but it bothers me that just the second one was like this.Now for the actual books themselves: they are incredible. I highly recommend this series to anyone looking for a trilogy, a dystopian series, or just a good book to become immersed in. It might say Young Adult in the category.ii am almost 28 - far from being a young adult myself.The story is told from a split perspective of the two main characters. At first I disliked this, as this is usually not my favorite type of format. However, this set up was nicely executed, both in writing and the format of the pages. Each character has his/her own font type and font color, as well as a heading at the top of ever right page to remind you whose perspective you are reading. I have never witnessed it so beautifully executed quite like this in the past.The story is incredible and I breezed through the series in three days (I did have to work and sleep). I was captivated wholeheartedly by this series and wanted to keep reading despite hunger, obligations, and a need for sleep.The writing is beautiful and easily captivates the audience. The level of detail is excellent enough that one knows exactly what everything looks like, while not being overwhelming in a Wuthering Heights/Romanticism kind of way.These books are beautifully written and incredible. If the jagged pages is an issue, I won suggest purchasing the books separately (but then you won't receive the free bonus) or take your chances that mine was a fluke. Either way, this series is worth your time.
June and Day come from two very different backgrounds, June came from an elite family while Day lived in one of the poor sectors of the Republic. After getting to know each other their entire lives change for better or for worse and now they are more or less in the same situation.After escaping from Day‘s execution June and Day are on the run from the entire Republic.Day is injured, his brother and only living family is either a prisoner or a lab rat of the Republic.June has nowhere to go after leaving everything she knows behind her to save Day.With nothing left to loose they take an offer from the Patriots that are fighting against the government of the Republic. All they have to do in return for the Patriots help with all their problems is to assassinate the new Elector, Anden, after his father‘s recent death.But in those troublesome times after the old Elector‘s death where the iron grip that the government had over it‘s people is starting to falter who can Day and June really trust and how much can their newly formed relationship handle.This like the first book was a fast paced read with some twists and turns. We get to know more about the world that the story takes place in and we get to know the main characters better. I really liked this book and can‘t wait to read the last book in the trilgogy to see how this ends.
In this second book in the Legend series, Day and June become involved in another series of non-stop adventures as they try to carve out a life for themselves after escaping from the clutches of the Republic.At the end of Legend, the first book in the series, June had just broken Day out of prison with the help of the rebel group known as the Patriots. The Patriots, however, refused to help them leave town without payment of some kind.But now that June and Day have traveled to Los Vegas on their own, they join up with the Patriots again, meeting with one of their high leaders, a man who calls himself Razor. And he seems to be satisfied that their pledging their loyalty to the Patriots will be payment enough.So June and Day embark on a series of adventures working, first with, then against the Patriots. In the meantime, the old Elector Primo, head of the Republic, has died and been replaced by his son, Anden, without missing a beat. The first project the Patriots want them to undertake is Anden’s murder.June’s part of this plot is supposed to be to lure Anden to the place where the Patriots are lying in wait for them. But in meeting with Anden in the early stages of gaining his trust, she discovers that he seems to be anxious to abandon his father’s obnoxious policies in favor of treating the common people better. June tries to warn Anden of the plot at the last minute, but somehow his military escort takes him to the site of the assassination attempt in spite of his orders. He barely escapes with his life, and June’s distrust of Razor appears to be validated.Day, meanwhile, has held back from an all-out attack on Anden based on what appeared to be a signal from June, and the two of them are now forced to flee from both the Patriots and the Republic. They wind up in the Colonies.The Colonies look impressive at first glance. And they welcome Day and June with open arms. But they don’t seem to know anything about what the Patriots have been up to. And then Kaede shows up and tells Day the real truth about the assassination attempt.It appears that the Republic is a military dictatorship with everybody working either directly or indirectly for the government. But the Colonies are run by four giant corporations who control everything people do just as the government of the Republic does. They appear more prosperous on the surface. But are they really any better in the long run?Day and June agree to return with Kaede in an attempt to keep Razor from taking over control of the Republic. Will they succeed? Will it help?I can't get access to write a review of Champion, the third book in the series, so I am going to append it to this review since this is what comes up when I try to go to a review for Champion.Champion is also a 5-star book. It is worth going all the way through the series for.This final book in the Legend is as exciting and action-filled as the earlier installments, and the plot is even more unexpected.The Colonies report a new plague racing along their war front. Abandoning their peace negotiations with Anden, they accuse the Republic of starting it (and maybe they did) and demand a cure NOW, or they will attack the Republic with everything they have, and they have struck a new alliance with Africa that should give them an overpowering advantage. They allow the Republic a few days to develop the cure, but then they go on and attack well before time is up.Day, June, and the remnants of the Patriots, who they just happen to find in an underground train station where evacuation of the capital is underway, launch one of their guerrilla attacks on the Colonies’ invasion force.The Republic comes up with a plan to thwart the Colonies’ plans, but it is subject to a myriad of twists and turns. And meanwhile, Day is battling for his life due to problems that have little to do with the war, while June finds herself in direct danger from the traitorous Commander Jameson who has escaped the death sentence she was supposed to have undergone and is now specifically targeting June with her robot-like intensity.It doesn’t end like you would expect. In fact, it doesn’t even end like Day and June expect.
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