Ebook John Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano - 5th Grade, by John Thompson
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John Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano - 5th Grade, by John Thompson
Ebook John Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano - 5th Grade, by John Thompson
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Product details
Grade Level: 4 - 6
Series: John Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Willis Music (November 1, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0877180113
ISBN-13: 978-0877180111
Product Dimensions:
9 x 0.3 x 12 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
402 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#54,971 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I have played and taught piano for over 50 years. I know that this method is highly esteemed, but I do not recommend it at all. I used to use it for teaching but the problem, in my opinion, is the placement of fingering numbers over every note. The students read the numbers, not the notes, and in doing so, fail to learn to read the notes themselves. Some of the information about phrasing and basic finger/wrist technique is helpful, and the retro illustrations are a bit of a hoot. Most of my students breeze through it easily, then Book Two arrives and the student is suddenly faced with the bitter reality that they must read notes and move their hands up and down the keyboard. It's overwhelming for many of them.If you decide to go with it, try to supplement it with some less heavily annotated material. There is much simple early music, for example, written in two parts. IMSLP offers much of this public domain material free of charge online.
The entire John Thompson series is as old as the hills, and I'm sure there are many piano teachers who would say that this series is outdated. There appear to be a lot of piano courses now that are specifically geared to different age groups. I have nothing against any of the other piano courses. But I am an older piano student with a goal to complete the entire John Thompson Course before I reach 70. I'll never be great, but this series pushes me to the max. And I appreciate the selection of songs that are presented in each book.Each student/teacher should negotiate the learning series that best fits the students learning style. For me, the John Thompson series is the core of my learning, and I supplement with books from other series. I also love the fact that I can listen to Alan Chan play every selection from the John Thompson series on You Tube. Listening to a quality rendition is most helpful in appreciating each piece before attempting to play the lesson.
Took up piano again and tried a couple of "adult" books but wasn't feeling the love. Finally remembered the name of these from my piano lessons 50 years ago. This series is the best, hands down.
These are the best books for learning the piano. I have been teaching piano lessons for over 10 years and have not found a better book series. I highly recommend these books. They are more difficult than Alfred's and others, but the return is just not as great with the other books. I have used several series and always come back to John Thompson. It cannot be beat!
I am 67 years old, and have spent a few years learning to play the piano. Learning comes slow to those of us who have so many old habits that now prove obstacles to new learning & must be revised to accommodate this learning.I teased my wonderfully patient teacher by chiding her for promoting me from kindergarten to third grade after only six years of study & practice. She appropriately told me I was rapidly progressing into piano.The book is very well presented and explains things like style, mood, interpretation, and form. The selections are all fun after appropriate practice and some helpful additional instruction. (One would likely be lost with this book not knowing a host of other technical details about printed music.)Unfortunately the author only mentions the more technique-oriented and/or technical challenges one faces at this time in one's study. His mention is only a paragraph aimed at selling another of his books on that topic. It is a mystery only booksellers can answer why he needed another book to contain his subject and mine instead of putting it all into one collection. A glimpse at the back cover illustrates the depths of this challenge: the author there offers another seven "third grade" music books.The book is also "modern" in the quaintly academic sense that it contains music from what the academics call the modern centuries (C16-C20); according to their preferred doctrines we now live in the "post modern" era which began sometime in the late 19th or early 20th centuries, the precise moment of its birth as yet unsettled.That is not necessarily wrong; we all need orientation from the past. But it is important also to not get lost in the past.
I use this book for students after they have completed John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course book one (teaches 10 notes F bass to G treble). I also use JT Easiest Piano Course 2 for younger students. This books adds three lower bass notes first, CDE and, after those are mastered, adds ABC to the Treble. It teaches much technique and allows the student to read, understand and master the notes, not just memorize.
I was brought up on John Thompson and am now using it to teach my piano students. Covers EVERYTHING. I add scale practice by Hanson as well. My students do very well with it!
Oldies, goodies. Thompson books begin with fingerings and five-finger hand positions, and some students have difficulty progressing to note reading. The books advance steadily and quickly from 1 to 5. Excellent literature, including some information about the composers.
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